By default we display 10 most recent earnings and calculate mean and median of past 10 earnings.
Insider members can adjust the following settings across all sites:
This tool can be helpful in trade management or to guide the trader towards initiating new trades after an Earnings Event.
Many stocks show patterns of follow through in the direction of the Earnings Gap. Other stocks tend to consolidate and still others often retrace the move.
By evaluating the data in this table the trader can determine a stocks tendency towards specific post earnings behavior patterns.
Look for patterns in the strength of the move, momentum and duration with our Post Earnings Performance Table.
At we make a concerted effort to provide the most accurate Earnings Calendar available by cross checking various sources including newswire feeds, brokerages, exchanges and individual corporate investor relations websites.
Despite our diligent efforts, cannot guarantee the accuracy of any earnings date. A wide variety of events can alter scheduled Earnings Release dates.
Because estimated dates come from a variety of sources it is possible for an estimated date to be outside the OptionSlam projected window.
It is up to each trader to verify any data found on our web site and assume all risks associated with using said data.