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Symbol Corporate Name EVR Recent Close Avg Volume
M Macy's Inc 3.2 $12.81 7,288,037
MA Mastercard Incorporated 1.3 $540.61 2,807,980
MAA Mid 1.1 $165.90 819,588
MAC Macerich Company 2.5 $17.08 2,563,665
MAG MAG Silver Corporation 1.4 $15.70 696,890
MAGA Point Bridge America First ETF 0.0 $47.94 4,218
MAGN Magnera Corporation 0.3 $18.28 434,367
MAGS Roundhill Magnificent Seven ETF 2.2 $46.03 2,736,147
MAGX Roundhill Daily 2X Long Magnificent Seven ETF 0.0 $31.77 94,288
MAIN Main Street Capital Corporation 1.0 $56.66 614,774
MAKO MAKO Surgical Corp. 4.1 $29.99 0
MAKX ProShares S&P Kensho Smart Factories ETF 0.0 $36.20 265
MAMA Mama's Creations 3.9* $6.34 286,707
MAN ManpowerGroup 2.1 $58.66 844,900
MANH Manhattan Associates 4.1 $173.48 845,977
MANU Manchester United Ltd. 1.8 $13.43 321,836
MAPP Harbor ETF Trust Harbor Multi 1.8 $24.98 1,414,090
MAPS WM Technology 7.5* $1.21 1,149,886
MAR Marriott International 1.6 $237.01 1,883,846
MARA MARA Holdings 4.6 $12.47 41,641,560
MARK Remark Holdings 4.9 $0.04 188,019
MAS Masco Corporation 2.1 $68.67 1,935,077
MASC Material Sciences Corporation 1.9 $12.74 0
MASI Masimo Corporation 3.9 $163.55 632,984
MASS 908 Devices Inc. 8.7 $4.04 5,499,269
MAT Mattel 3.2 $19.30 3,998,128
MATN Mateon Therapeutics, Inc. 3.3* $0.28 265,423
MATR Mattersight Corporation 4.4 $2.67 128,265
MATV Mativ Holdings 5.8* $6.39 1,685,702
MATW Matthews International Corporation 3.7 $22.52 222,207
MATX Matson 2.6 $127.06 409,348
MATX$ Matson, Inc. None $0.00 N,one
MAX MediaAlpha 5.9 $9.35 662,706
MAXI Simplify Bitcoin Strategy PLUS Income ETF 0.0 $20.39 52,580
MAXN Maxeon Solar Technologies 5.3 $2.93 250,837
MB MINDBODY, Inc. 4.6 $46,700.00 416,148
MBB iShares MBS ETF 0.0 $93.66 3,808,091
MBBYF MBBYF None $63.20 N,one
MBC MasterBrand 3.9* $13.10 1,291,626
MBFI MB Financial Inc. 1.5 $42.38 1,179,679
MBI MBIA Inc. 4.4 $5.01 380,562
MBII Marrone Bio Innovations 3.6 $0.00 86,969
MBIN Merchants Bancorp 2.6 $37.04 145,092
MBIO Mustang Bio 2.8 $1.33 114,008
MBLX Metabolix, Inc. 5.9 $0.37 118,830
MBLY Mobileye Global Inc. 4.6 $15.11 3,659,151
MBND SPDR Nuveen Municipal Bond ETF 3.7 $3.25 0
MBOT Microbot Medical Inc. 2.9* $1.46 1,316,893
MBTF M B T Financial Corp 1.1 $9.84 51,745
MBTX MBTX 0.0 $0.00 N,one
MBUU Malibu Boats 2.6 $29.57 169,596
MBWM Mercantile Bank Corporation 2.3 $44.03 67,727
MC Moelis & Company 2.7 $57.91 1,109,638
MCB Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. 3.5 $55.61 109,662
MCBS MetroCity Bankshares 1.2* $27.40 36,222
MCC Medley Capital Corporation 1.9 $28.31 13,251
MCD McDonald's Corporation 1.2 $307.09 3,590,499
MCEP Mid-Con Energy Partners, LP 10.0 $5.52 333,263
MCF Contango Oil & Gas Company 3.3 $0.00 1,443,274
MCFE McAfee Corp. 5.1* $329.45 1,750,000
MCFT MasterCraft Boat Holdings 4.6 $17.24 74,892
MCHI iShares MSCI China ETF 0.0 $54.57 3,949,339
MCHP Microchip Technology Incorporated 1.7 $48.70 11,057,405
MCHX Marchex 3.0 $1.68 58,132
MCK McKesson Corporation 2.5 $668.06 885,970
MCMJ Merida Merger Corp. I None $8.45 368,618
MCO Moody's Corporation 1.6 $461.38 918,326
MCP Molycorp, Inc 6.7 $0.36 8,215,070
MCRB Seres Therapeutics 6.1 $0.72 812,748
MCRI Monarch Casino & Resort 2.9 $78.39 126,093
MCRN Milacron Holdings Corp. 1.8 $16.80 788,165
MCRS MICROS Systems, Inc. 1.9 $67.99 0
MCS Marcus Corporation 2.2 $16.58 255,948
MCW Mister Car Wash 4.0 $7.91 1,675,613
MCY Mercury General Corporation 4.2 $56.17 552,446
MD Pediatrix Medical Group 5.6 $14.16 797,652
MDAS MedAssets, Inc. 3.5 $31.35 1,056,300
MDB MongoDB 6.8 $178.03 2,623,310
MDCA MDC Partners Inc. 4.4 $5.42 424,315
MDCI Medical Action Industries Inc. 5.0 $13.78 0
MDCO The Medicines Company 2.0 $84.90 4,487,805
MDEV First Trust Indxx Medical Devices ETF 0.0 $20.10 365
MDF Metropolitan Health Networks, Inc. 2.4 $11.26 946,308
MDGL Madrigal Pharmaceuticals 3.4 $327.87 380,910
MDGN Medgenics, Inc. 2.1 $5.57 185,272
MDIV Multi 0.0 $16.31 73,929
MDLA Medallia 5.5* $0.00 2,261,980
MDLZ Mondelez International 1.3 $67.72 10,335,358
MDP Meredith Corporation 4.4 $357.55 992,199
MDR McDermott International, Inc. 6.0 $0.70 14,675,026
MDRIQ MDRIQ 9.5* $0.07 3,015,474
MDRX Veradigm Inc. 3.0 $4.25 212,214
MDSO Medidata Solutions, Inc. 2.8 $92.22 1,400,887
MDT Medtronic plc. 1.6 $87.63 8,324,757
MDTH MedCath Corporation 2.0 $7.76 117,091
MDU MDU Resources Group 1.5 $16.65 1,799,478
MDVN Medivation, Inc. 2.8 $81.44 4,255,510
MDWD MediWound Ltd. 2.5 $15.95 78,556
MDXG MiMedx Group 4.8 $7.54 583,392
MDY SPDR S&P MidCap 400 ETF Trust 0.0 $532.23 992,709
MDYG SPDR S&P 400 Mid Cap Growth ETF (based on S&P MidCap 400 Growth Index 0.0 $79.39 157,650
MDYV SPDR S&P 400 Mid Cap Value ETF (based on S&P MidCap 400 Value Index 0.0 $76.70 128,694
ME 23andMe Holding Co. 4.8 $0.61 7,774,829
MEA Metalico Inc 3.6 $0.59 578,630
MEAS Measurement Specialties, Inc. 1.5 $86.00 0
MEC Mayville Engineering Company 4.6* $13.53 115,648
MED MEDIFAST INC 4.5 $13.83 237,221
MEDP Medpace Holdings 5.3 $312.36 380,311
MEDW MEDIWARE Information Systems, Inc. 1.4 $21.98 81,987
MEET The Meet Group, Inc. 3.9 $2.39 364,657
MEG Montrose Environmental Group 5.6 $14.41 551,137
MEI Methode Electronics 8.8 $6.51 509,740
MEIP MEI Pharma 1.7 $2.35 7,521
MELI MercadoLibre 3.8 $2,048.07 485,568
MEMP Memorial Production Partners LP 4.2 $0.12 562,075
MEMS Matthews Emerging Markets Discovery Active ETF 4.0 $4.22 45,256
MENT Mentor Graphics Corporation 2.2 $37.25 1,997,200
MEOH Methanex Corporation 2.5 $35.32 452,074
MEP Midcoast Energy Partners, L.P. 3.7 $7.95 88,838
MERC Mercer International Inc. 4.1 $5.99 408,524
MERU Meru Networks, Inc. 6.2 $1.62 298,189
MESA Mesa Air Group 1.7 $0.78 155,332
MESG Xura, Inc. 1.1* $25.00 540,822
MESO Mesoblast Limited 2.3 $12.11 330,352
MET MetLife 1.8 $79.23 3,472,068
META Meta Platforms 4.7 $576.74 16,924,786
METC Ramaco Resources 5.8 $8.16 842,404
METU Direxion Daily META Bull 2X Shares 0.0 $30.45 622,699
METV Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF 0.0 $13.60 120,360
MEXX Direxion Daily MSCI Mexico Bull 3X Shares 0.0 $11.46 154,163
MFA MFA Financial 1.6 $10.56 1,235,419
MFB Maidenform Brands, Inc. 2.7 $23.50 342,269
MFC Manulife Financial Corporation 1.9 $30.76 2,633,380
MFCB MFC Bancorp Ltd. 3.5 $12.50 20,176
MFG Mizuho Financial Group 0.9 $5.68 1,585,938
MFH Mercurity Fintech Holding Inc. 3.0* $5.67 85,460
MFIC MidCap Financial Investment Corporation 1.3* $13.04 620,284
MFIN Medallion Financial Corp. 3.7 $9.06 45,808
MFLX First Trust Flexible Municipal High Income ETF 5.0 $23.09 78,494
MFNC Mackinac Financial Corporation 0.8 $21.50 27,856
MFRM Mattress Firm Holding Corp. 3.5 $64.03 622,283
MFS Manitowoc Food Service, Inc. 4.3* $19.04 743,892
MG Mistras Group Inc 4.4 $10.60 161,267
MGA Magna International 2.7 $34.00 1,995,471
MGAM Mobile Global Esports Inc. 4.6 $36.44 1,077,320
MGC Vanguard Mega Cap ETF 0.0 $200.30 142,816
MGEE MGE Energy Inc. 0.6 $92.91 134,500
MGIC Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. 2.4 $12.95 98,429
MGK Vanguard Mega Cap Growth ETF 0.0 $308.50 438,467
MGLN Magellan Health 2.6 $0.00 152,180
MGM MGM Resorts International 3.6 $30.36 5,409,803
MGNI Magnite 6.7 $11.60 2,786,256
MGNX MacroGenics 9.1 $1.26 669,371
MGPI MGP Ingredients 3.2 $29.22 448,371
MGRC McGrath RentCorp 1.9 $113.52 154,322
MGT MGT Capital Investments Inc 2.9 $2.36 2,167,330
MGTI MGTI None $0.00 N,one
MGTX MeiraGTx Holdings plc 3.6 $7.33 645,894
MGV Vanguard Mega Cap Value ETF 0.0 $127.29 303,772
MGY Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation 2.1 $25.19 3,636,029
MHFI McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. 1.3 $107.92 1,463,690
MHGC Morgans Hotel Group Co. 2.4 $2.15 201,084
MHK Mohawk Industries 3.5 $113.74 728,224
MHLD Maiden Holdings 2.7 $0.61 160,490
MHO M/I Homes 1.9 $113.46 291,328
MHR Magnum Hunter Resources Corporation 3.2 $0.15 7,318,710
MI NFT Limited 0.0 $2.20 30,444
MIDD The Middleby Corporation 2.3 $152.76 761,866
MIDU Direxion Mid Cap Bull 3X Shares 0.0 $41.04 69,314
MIDZ MIDZ None $74.33 24,419
MIFI Novatel Wireless, Inc. 5.3* $2.50 519,025
MIG VanEck Moody's Analytics IG Corporate Bond ETF 2.6 $8.64 353,744
MIK The Michaels Companies, Inc. 6.0 $483.89 4,934,906
MIL MFC Industrial Ltd. 2.4 $1.93 131,285
MILN Global X Millennial Consumer ETF 0.0 $42.95 10,103
MIND MIND Technology 7.3 $5.89 297,748
MINI Mobile Mini, Inc. 3.0 $55.70 266,883
MINT PIMCO Enhanced Short Maturity Active Exchange 0.0 $100.62 1,264,040
MIPS MIPS Technologies, Inc. 4.0 $7.98 1,149,610
MIR Mirion Technologies 3.2 $14.63 1,947,912
MIRM Mirum Pharmaceuticals 2.9 $45.99 545,919
MISL First Trust Exchange 0.0 $30.26 22,960
MIST Milestone Pharmaceuticals Inc. 3.3 $0.88 3,367,090
MITK Mitek Systems 4.3 $8.50 495,598
MITL Mitel Networks Corporation 2.4 $11.15 1,174,873
MITT AG Mortgage Investment Trust 2.2 $7.49 225,616
MJ Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Alternative Harvest ETF 0.0 $19.80 81,763
MJH MS Structured Asset Corp Saturns GE Cap Corp Series 2002-14 None $0.00 N,one
MJI Blackrock MuniYield New Jersey Quality Fund, Inc. None $14.56 17,868
MJN Mead Johnson Nutrition Company 1.8 $89.98 1,930,800
MJX MJX None $31.59 N,one
MKC McCormick & Company 2.4 $81.46 2,476,179
MKFG Markforged Holding Corporation 3.3 $4.57 196,196
MKL Markel Group Inc. 2.1 $1,855.44 55,606
MKS MS Structured Asset Corp Saturns GE Cap Corp Series 2002-14 None $25.23 4,595
MKSI MKS Instruments 2.4 $81.59 1,238,359
MKTG Responsys, Inc. 7.3* $26.98 1,231,420
MKTO Marketo, Inc. 4.6 $35.25 1,389,270
MKTW MarketWise 5.2 $0.50 758,227
MKTX MarketAxess Holdings 2.7 $216.75 771,720
ML MoneyLion Inc. 6.3 $86.76 164,594
MLCO Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited 3.1 $5.27 4,024,293
MLHR Herman Miller None $0.00 391,591
MLI Mueller Industries 2.7 $76.59 957,837
MLKN MillerKnoll 4.7 $19.76 606,022
MLM Martin Marietta Materials 1.8 $478.00 687,066
MLN VanEck ETF Trust VanEck Long Muni ETF 0.0 $17.32 256,555
MLND Millendo Therapeutics, Inc. 3.1* $1.06 2,139,266
MLNK MeridianLink 3.7 $18.62 241,788
MLNT Melinta Therapeutics, Inc. 8.4* $0.44 399,432
MLNTQ MLNTQ 10.0* $0.11 94,823
MLNX Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. 1.1 $124.89 1,524,581
MLPA Global X MLP ETF 0.0 $53.47 167,338
MLPI MLPI None $11.28 54,098
MLPN MLPN None $0.00 N,one
MLPX Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure ETF 0.0 $63.90 553,335
MLQ MLQ None $0.00 N,one
MLR Miller Industries 3.8 $42.43 163,554
MLSS Milestone Scientific 3.2 $0.99 95,883
MLTX MoonLake Immunotherapeutics 2.5* $39.86 405,418
MLU MetLife, Inc. None $29.54 233,097
MLYS Mineralys Therapeutics 3.6* $14.66 1,501,166
MM Millennial Media, Inc. 7.0 $1.75 1,543,150
MMATQ MMATQ 0.0 $0.00 35
MMC Marsh & McLennan Companies 1.1 $242.39 1,934,733
MMI Marcus & Millichap 2.0 $34.51 125,512
MMLP Martin Midstream Partners L.P. 2.6 $3.56 107,198
MMM 3M Company 2.9 $144.84 4,232,062
MMR McMoRan Exploration Company 2.3 $16.75 1,423,160
MMS Maximus 2.7 $68.21 672,733
MMSI Merit Medical Systems 2.3 $103.94 689,789
MMTM SPDR S&P 1500 Momentum Tilt ETF 0.0 $239.81 4,482
MMYT MakeMyTrip Limited 2.8 $103.51 888,311
MNA NYLI Merger Arbitrage ETF 0.0 $34.31 33,981
MNDL Mandalay Digital Group, Inc 4.5* $3.26 276,714
MNDO MIND C.T.I. Ltd. 0.7 $1.80 105,171
MNDY monday.com Ltd. 6.7 $247.01 837,609
MNGL Blue Wolf Mongolia Holdings Corp. None $9.80 113
MNI McClatchy Company (The) 2.6 $9.85 34,112
MNK Mallinckrodt plc 8.4 $0.00 6,532,412
MNKD MannKind Corporation 3.5 $5.03 2,116,752
MNMD Mind Medicine (MindMed) Inc. 4.2 $6.19 1,903,571
MNOV MediciNova 1.5 $1.45 16,320
MNR Mach Natural Resources LP 0.9 $332.95 1,300,165
MNRKP Monarch Financial Holdings, Inc. None $39.50 1,352
MNRO Monro 3.9 $15.92 893,091
MNRS Grayscale Funds Trust Grayscale Bitcoin Miners ETF 0.0 $17.08 5,369
MNSO MINISO Group Holding Limited 4.2 $18.58 1,426,040
MNST Monster Beverage Corporation 2.5 $57.86 6,539,628
MNTA Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 3.8 $0.00 3,888,361
MNTG MTR Gaming Group, Inc. 1.7 $4.43 0
MNTK Montauk Renewables 6.5* $2.09 256,627
MNTS Momentus Inc. 4.3* $1.95 413,471
MNX MNX None $867.43 N,one
MNY MoneyHero Limited 0.3 $0.79 61,316
MO Altria Group 1.6 $58.15 10,353,117
MOAT VanEck Morningstar Wide Moat ETF 0.0 $87.69 877,155
MOBI Sky-mobi Limited 5.0 $2.14 95,369
MOBL MobileIron, Inc. 5.2 $7.04 2,135,420
MOD Modine Manufacturing Company 5.6 $79.25 1,501,117
MODG Topgolf Callaway Brands Corp. 3.7* $6.53 3,302,040
MODL VictoryShares WestEnd U.S. Sector ETF 4.0* $14.00 91,833
MODN Model N 4.4 $30.00 874,183
MODV ModivCare Inc. 6.8 $1.40 478,438
MOFG MidWestOne Financial Group 1.2 $29.72 100,905
MOG.A Moog Inc. 0.0 $171.75 192,818
MOGO Mogo Inc. 0.0 $0.90 61,615
MOH Molina Healthcare Inc 3.6 $322.85 814,555
MOLX Molex Incorporated 1.6 $38.68 0
MOLXA Molex Incorporated None* $38.66 0
MOMO Hello Group Inc. 4.9 $6.32 1,540,110
MON Monument Circle Acquisition Corp. 0.6 $127.95 4,000,000
MONT Montage Technology Group Limited 1.3* $22.59 0
MOO VanEck Agribusiness ETF 0.0 $67.69 66,153
MORE ASYMmetric ETFs Trust ASYMmetric Smart Income ETF 1.1* $11.99 3,367,900
MORN Morningstar 2.8 $296.11 206,731
MORT VanEck Mortgage REIT Income ETF 0.0 $11.02 429,109
MOS Mosaic Company 2.4 $27.25 6,680,400
MOSY MoSys 4.8 $4.50 432,482
MOV Movado Group Inc. 2.9 $17.23 190,852
MOVE Movano Inc. 3.0 $20.95 0
MP MP Materials Corp. 2.7 $25.97 3,169,891
MPAA Motorcar Parts of America 6.6 $9.35 163,725
MPB Mid Penn Bancorp 0.8 $25.68 78,874
MPC Marathon Petroleum Corporation 2.0 $144.10 2,826,881
MPEL Melco Crown Entertainment Limited 1.6 $18.97 4,064,650
MPG Metaldyne Performance Group Inc. 3.6 $21.90 86,070
MPLN MultiPlan Corporation 6.2 $20.99 172,624
MPLX MPLX LP 0.9 $54.04 1,878,709
MPR Met-Pro Corporation 1.9 $13.60 129,005
MPSX Multi Packaging Solutions International Limited 2.7* $18.00 262,500
MPW Medical Properties Trust 3.7 $6.04 11,838,970
MPWR Monolithic Power Systems 3.9 $579.89 889,741
MPX Marine Products Corporation 2.2 $8.38 27,425
MQ Marqeta 7.1 $4.19 8,835,939
MQQQ Tradr 2X Long Triple Q Monthly ETF 0.0 $23.02 75,080
MR Montage Resources Corporation 3.4 $0.00 438,032
MRAI Marpai 6.8 $1.03 12,911
MRAM Everspin Technologies 4.6 $5.08 111,479
MRC MRC Global Inc. 4.3 $11.64 803,574
MRCC Monroe Capital Corporation 1.0 $7.70 72,377
MRCY Mercury Systems Inc 5.8 $42.82 476,219
MRD Memorial Resource Development Corp. 4.6* $14.72 1,566,950
MREO Mereo BioPharma Group plc 2.3* $2.30 1,396,402
MRF American Income Fund, Inc. None $7.60 10,803
MRGE Merge Healthcare Incorporated. 5.0 $7.12 1,646,260
MRIN Marin Software Incorporated 2.7 $1.38 16,089
MRK Merck & Company 2.1 $89.23 17,654,849
MRKR Marker Therapeutics 2.9 $1.27 186,253
MRKT Markit Ltd. 1.5* $32.84 744,656
MRLN Marlin Business Services Corp. 2.6 $0.00 65,395
MRNA Moderna 4.3 $31.12 10,597,296
MRNS Marinus Pharmaceuticals 4.1 $0.55 2,460,692
MRNY Tidal Trust II YieldMax MRNA Option Income Strategy ETF 0.0 $3.00 1,747,359
MRP Millrose Properties 0.0 $26.52 2,640,373
MRSN Mersana Therapeutics 5.4 $0.38 3,618,630
MRTN Marten Transport 2.5 $13.68 467,152
MRUS Merus N.V. 3.0 $44.61 679,885
MRUT MRUT 0.0 $206.57 1,106
MRVI Maravai LifeSciences Holdings 8.9 $2.36 4,426,960
MRVL Marvell Technology 5.3 $62.04 19,117,755
MRX Marex Group plc 2.4 $34.48 500,585
MS Morgan Stanley 2.0 $115.33 7,695,053
MSA MSA Safety Incorporated 1.9 $148.01 191,039
MSB Mesabi Trust 1.6 $26.95 59,453
MSBI Midland States Bancorp 2.4 $17.30 102,175
MSCC Microsemi Corporation 1.8 $68.74 2,000,000
MSCI MSCI Inc. 3.0 $558.47 581,319
MSDL Morgan Stanley Direct Lending Fund 0.8* $20.67 670,938
MSEX Middlesex Water Company 1.8 $63.48 216,283
MSFD Direxion Daily MSFT Bear 1X Shares 0.0 $15.09 85,487
MSFG MainSource Financial Group, Inc. 0.7 $40.65 109,699
MSFL GraniteShares 2x Long MSFT Daily ETF 0.0 $18.18 209,105
MSFO Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax MSFT Option Income Strategy ETF 0.0 $15.85 53,482
MSFT Microsoft Corporation 1.8 $378.80 23,504,845
MSFU Direxion Daily MSFT Bull 2X Shares 0.0 $30.43 662,934
MSFX ETF Opportunities Trust T 0.0 $20.28 50,083
MSFY Kurv Yield Premium Strategy Microsoft (MSFT) ETF 0.0 $22.35 4,514
MSG The Madison Square Garden Company 1.6 $146.51 207,700
MSGE Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. 3.6 $33.71 363,895
MSGN MSG Networks Inc. 1.8 $14.17 365,035
MSGS Madison Square Garden Sports Corp. 1.9 $194.97 144,283
MSI Motorola Solutions 1.8 $432.99 916,395
MSM MSC Industrial Direct Company 1.6 $77.69 563,198
MSO Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. 2.2 $6.25 238,811
MSON MISONIX 3.3 $0.00 55,478
MSOS AdvisorShares Trust AdvisorShares Pure US Cannabis ETF 0.0 $2.63 4,188,685
MSOX AdvisorShares MSOS Daily Leveraged ETF 0.0 $3.96 248,279
MSPD Mindspeed Technologies, Inc. 6.6 $5.04 0
MSTR MicroStrategy Incorporated 2.7 $289.41 19,886,987
MSTU ETF Opportunities Trust T 0.0 $5.52 79,280,586
MSTX Defiance Daily Target 2x Long MSTR ETF 2.4* $26.05 12,461,059
MSTY Tidal Trust II YieldMax MSTR Option Income Strategy ETF 0.0 $20.37 6,401,791
MSTZ ETF Opportunities Trust T 0.0 $13.92 23,786,076
MT Arcelor Mittal NY Registry Shares NEW 2.1 $28.78 2,745,869
MTA Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. 0.0 $2.95 342,259
MTB M&T Bank Corporation 2.1 $175.28 1,578,230
MTBA Simplify Exchange Traded Funds Simplify MBS ETF 0.0 $50.09 235,731
MTCH Match Group 4.4 $30.63 5,415,402
MTD Mettler 2.4 $1,177.09 134,526
MTDR Matador Resources Company 1.8 $50.51 1,779,502
MTEM Molecular Templates 3.8 $0.00 151,354
MTG MGIC Investment Corporation 1.1 $24.40 2,921,932
MTGE MTGE Investment Corp. 1.2 $19.80 267,363
MTH Meritage Homes Corporation 2.4 $70.33 959,938
MTLS Materialise NV 4.3 $4.96 408,159
MTN Vail Resorts 2.4 $161.46 630,077
MTOX Medtox Scientific, Inc. 1.2 $27.00 146,949
MTRN Materion Corporation 3.7 $83.41 107,994
MTRX Matrix Service Company 5.0 $12.53 230,620
MTSC MTS Systems Corporation 2.7 $0.00 166,740
MTSI MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings 2.9 $98.47 774,519
MTSN Mattson Technology, Inc. 2.7 $3.60 253,387
MTTR Matterport 3.5 $5.38 5,489,054
MTU Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 1.1* $6.64 1,725,521
MTUM iShares MSCI USA Momentum Factor ETF 0.0 $200.86 1,491,869
MTUS Metallus Inc. 3.2* $13.59 431,016
MTW Manitowoc Company 5.0 $8.89 266,654
MTX Minerals Technologies Inc. 2.1 $63.61 224,902
MTZ MasTec 4.2 $115.25 1,399,098
MU Micron Technology 3.9 $88.44 22,377,976
MUB iShares National Muni Bond ETF 0.0 $105.19 4,461,038
MUFG Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 1.1 $13.98 9,525,841
MULE MuleSoft, Inc. 6.6* $44.57 3,000,000
MULL GraniteShares 2x Long MU Daily ETF 0.0 $13.20 52,849
MULN Mullen Automotive 10.0* $0.12 28,020,267
MULT AdvisorShares Sunrise Global Multi-Strategy ETF None $24.36 183
MUNI PIMCO Intermediate Municipal Bond Active Exchange 0.0 $51.45 214,881
MUR Murphy Oil Corporation 1.4 $28.37 3,308,232
MURA Mural Oncology plc 0.0 $1.18 307,849
MUSA Murphy USA Inc. 2.4 $460.38 262,548
MUX McEwen Mining Inc. 3.5 $7.70 896,606
MVBF MVB Financial Corp. 1.6 $17.42 30,289
MVC MVC Capital, Inc. 0.6 $0.00 70,586
MVG Mag Silver Corporation 1.9 $12.52 140,916
MVIS MicroVision 4.0 $1.21 7,909,367
MVISW Microvision, Inc. None $0.03 26,714
MVNR Mavenir Systems, Inc. 3.5* $17.50 473,256
MVO MV Oil Trust Units of Beneficial Interests 0.4* $5.48 94,353
MVP Roundhill Pro Sports None $12.32 2,177
MVPS Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Thematic All 0.0 $23.59 317
MVST Microvast Holdings 10.0* $1.15 4,413,099
MVV ProShares Ultra MidCap400 0.0 $58.16 23,672
MW Men's Wearhouse, Inc. (The) 3.8 $13.71 2,634,650
MWA MUELLER WATER PRODUCTS 3.6 $25.51 3,127,867
MWE MarkWest Energy Partners, LP 2.0 $41.53 1,890,600
MWIV MWI Veterinary Supply, Inc. 2.6 $190.00 269,809
MWK Mohawk Group Holdings, Inc. 5.1* $16.30 966,950
MWV Meadwestvaco Corporation 1.9 $48.30 1,492,590
MWW Monster Worldwide, Inc. 6.8 $3.41 747,866
MX Magnachip Semiconductor Corporation 3.2 $3.62 265,710
MXACW MXACW 0.0 $458.39 347
MXCT MaxCyte 4.3 $2.73 677,292
MXEA MXEA 0.0 $2,470.17 292
MXEF MXEF 0.0 $1,130.54 359
MXI iShares Global Materials ETF 0.0 $81.90 15,362
MXIM Maxim Integrated Products 1.4 $0.00 3,551,181
MXL MaxLinear 6.3 $10.99 1,615,134
MXT Maxcom Telecomunicaciones SAB de CV 1.3* $1.14 680
MXUSA MXUSA 0.0 $260.09 138
MXWL Maxwell Technologies, Inc. 3.3 $4.48 1,979,039
MXWLD MXWLD 0.0 $117.27 48
MY China Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited 2.4 $2.44 496,435
MYCC ClubCorp Holdings, Inc. 1.8 $17.10 2,212,270
MYE Myers Industries 4.9 $11.90 456,572
MYGN Myriad Genetics 5.4 $8.88 1,118,981
MYL Mylan N.V. 3.9 $0.08 5,457,757
MYO Myomo Inc. 10.0* $4.86 520,975
MYOK MyoKardia, Inc. 2.4 $224.91 1,438,936
MYPS PLAYSTUDIOS 4.8 $1.31 181,521
MYRG MYR Group 3.2 $116.31 306,933
MYTE MYT Netherlands Parent B.V. 5.8 $7.47 213,561
MYY ProShares Short MidCap400 0.0 $20.35 41,471
MZOR Mazor Robotics Ltd. 2.5 $58.23 226,017
MZZ ProShares UltraShort MidCap400 0.0 $11.09 5,394

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